"Chapter 1: The Emergence
Boogadith Bigglesmith, a swell young snoot to say the least. Born March 3, 1750. Boogadith was brought into a rather lower class family. However, some say moving to North America took a toll on her youth. And not in a good way. The trip lasted months. The boat was even showing signs of decay from the epoch. They barely made it to Collinsport. Boogadith was now 21, after beginning her journey during her late youth. Once they arrived to Collinsport, the boat had been through way better days, they couldn't stop it in time which ended in a horrid crash. But, her family was rescued, unfortunately they weren't in good condition. Boogadith was determined to save her family, she decided that working for the Collins would get them enough money to give them the proper treatment they deserved. Boogadith realized that they wouldn't just accept anyone to work for them, so she decided she'd have to change a few things. This is Boogadith's story."
Working on my long lasted story for how me and Barnabas met in a past life, it will be over on my quotev when chapter 1 is finished.